

Once upon a time online I referred to an idea as "fascinating". A colleague chided me for over-enthusiasm, and cited a remark by ultra-logical Mr. Spock of Star Trek:

"Fascinating" is a word I use for the unexpected. In this case, I should think "interesting" would suffice.

That reminded me in turn of the legendary politeness of Danish quantum physicist Niels Bohr (1885-1962), who would reputedly say, "Interesting, very interesting," when a speaker's presentation was either boring or wrong.

(Mr. Spock quote from the Star Trek episode "The Squire of Gothos" by Paul Schneider; cf. AttractiveOpposites (10 Jul 1999), GreatIdeas (3 May 1999), DisSanity (13 Mar 2001), ...)

TopicHumor - TopicLanguage - TopicEntertainment - 2006-04-18

(correlates: DisSanity, PerimeterFocused, FurrowedBrow, ...)