

My favorite line from the 1998 giant-asteroid-approaching-the-Earth doomsday movie Armageddon:

"This is Dr. Ronald Quincy from Research. He's pretty much the smartest man on the planet. You might want to listen to him."

(cf. LensManic (16 Jul 2001), DialogueDensity (21 May 2002), RealGenius (23 Jan 2003), RepoMan (10 Mar 2003), GiftForFiction (15 Apr 2005), MustLoveDogs (27 Aug 2006), FarTooSmart (10 Oct 2006), ...)

TopicEntertainment - TopicHumor - 2007-01-18

(correlates: FunVersusEntertainment, RepoMan, StrawberryFields, ...)