

A strange change is coming, almost unnoticed in the glare of the TV spectacular, the roar of the crowd in the stadium, and the giant sloshing of cash among megacorps and politicos. The dinosaurs are beginning to feel nervous. They don't know why, but their growth is slowing; their trampling isn't echoing like it used to; their grand designs aren't unfolding quite according to plan. They're losing control. Worse for their egos, they're losing respect.

Individuals are starting to emerge. Like tiny mammals, we hide in the cracks, under the ground, and behind the bushes. We don't fight the monsters — we avoid them and ignore them. We find each other and work together, at a pace too fast for the big guys to follow. By the time they figure out where we're going and try to position themselves in front of us to make a profit, we're long gone. We don't play by their rules.

Mass markets are shrinking, then vanishing, as individuals choose for themselves. There is no "next big thing" — there are billions of "next little things", every one unique. Don't believe the salesmen who claim to predict the coming wave; there isn't a coming wave. Don't waste time in fantasies of wealth, fame, power. Give them up; they never were important anyway. The classic-jurassic era is ending. Make friends. Be free. Think. Live.

Thursday, October 19, 2000 at 21:47:52 (EDT) = 2000-10-19


(correlates: ScienceVersusStampCollecting, InBalance, SuburbanDeer, ...)