

A plausible set of working goals could be captured in the mantra "Have Fun, Do Good, Stay Out of Trouble — Pick Any Two!" The implication, of course, is that:

  • if you're enjoying yourself too much while helping other people, then you're going to be in for difficulties of one sort or another soon (e.g., when the authorities find out, they'll assign you more "real work" to do as punishment);
  • if you're happy and managing to avoid hassles, then you're likely not accomplishing anything significant; and
  • if you're making progress on the mission while managing to stay out of trouble, then you're probably not having much fun.

The ideal job would achieve all three at once. Alas, such employment is tough to find!

Saturday, June 05, 1999 at 12:26:49 (EDT) = 1999-06-05


(correlates: BetterFasterCheaper, TorreyPines, CriminalBehavior, ...)