

The classic lists of Wedding Anniversary Gifts need updating. Herewith, some modest proposals from the Paper Products Industry Association:

year old gift new gift
1clocks coffee filters
2china disposable diapers
3glass day-planner refills
4appliances napkins & tissues
5silverware paperback novels
6wood cardboard boxes
7desk sets local newspapers
8linens sticky notepads
9leather pogs & collectible trading cards
10jewelry coffee-table books
20platinum cute animal calendars
25silver piñatas & party hats
30diamond autographed photos of politicians
40ruby excelsior, confetti, & streamers
50gold disposable diapers

(thanks to Gray and other members of ^z's family for suggestions and advice!)

Saturday, July 07, 2001 at 21:13:09 (EDT) = 2001-07-07


(correlates: SilverAnniversary, FabuloTech, SituationalStrategy, ...)