

This page is here to show an alternative color scheme to the default, designed by RadRob. Hence, a set of each important kind of text will appear below. +[Since the creation of this page, the default CSS has been changed to something like the one presented here.]+

/* under construction */

Section 1

Unvisited link (em)


Visited link (strong)


Section 2

Table Color
Background Borders

Section 3

This text is small, right?

This text is not small, right?

-[This text got disgruntled and is now on strike]-, left?

+[This text is acting as a strikebreaker]+

Section 4

This section -[is going to act as]- +[is]+ a testing ground for all the color variations put together. There will be mixtures (like small, but bold text), but only so as to determine whether the colors mesh properly. In order to fully test the features, another table is presented below.

Title of Table
First Column Second Column Fifth Column
-[Empty]-+[Full]+/* weird */
and a small line at the bottom

+[This text should probably be less self-referential]+

Example of what a page might look like

The text above is much to chaotic to give an accurate impression of what a real page using this format would look like. Therefore, this last section will consist of complete paragraphs, unforced sentences, etc. etc. etc. I will include at the end a table of the colors I used in the design. They were mostly based off of the original color set, which I would also include, if I had a copy of it. I also used a reference that ^z located, http://www.utexas.edu/learn/html/colors.html , to start off of in some cases.

The unifying theme of this set of colors is blue. Generally speaking, everything that isn't blue is blue-green or purple, the only exception being that slash-asterisk thing, which I consider to be intended only for certain special cases. My changes were also intended to make some effects, such as the 'hover' color changes, more subtle. Originally, the background turned yellow as the text turned dark red; now the background becomes a grayer shade of the blue used for the headers. I also changed the 'visited' link color; ^z had chosen a dark purple, which I was concerned may be too close to black - I lightened it a little. In any case, here's the table.

Thing Color Description
Headers - Background #ccccff Light Cerulean
Headers - Default Text #000066Dark Blue
Links - Unvisited #000099Blue
Links - Visited #330066Dk. Bluish-Purple
'Hover' - Background #ddddff Pale Cerulean
'Hover' - Text #660000Dk. Red
Table Borders #6677ee Blue, hint of green
Strong #660033Dk. Red-Purple
Small #000033Dk. Blue
Strikethru #000000Black
Inserted #004422Bluish-Green


font-family: "times roman", serif;
H1, H2, H3, H4 {
font-family: "helvetica", sans-serif;
background-color: #ccccff ;
color: #000066;
a:link { color: #000099 }
a:visited { color: #330066 }
a:hover { text-decoration: none ;
color: #660000; background-color: #ddddff }
TABLE { background: #6677ee }
TR { text-indent: 0 }
TD { font: 1.0em helvetica, sans-serif; background: #ffffff; padding: 0.5em }
STRONG { color: #660033; font-weight: bold }
SMALL { color: #000033 }
STRIKE { color: #000000 }
INS { color: #004422 }

(correlates: ZhurnalyWikiStyleSheet, ColorChains, PortmanteauWords, ...)