Recently while looking for commentary on mindfulness issues I ran across the intriguingly-titled "Medics receive battlemind training to help fellow Soldiers" [1]. It offers some excellent tips on how to assist anyone who desperately needs aid, but doesn't know how to ask for it. The somewhat-forced acronym is TAIL, which the article defines:

  • Tell them you are concerned; listen to their story without getting in the way, and then tell them what you are seeing and hearing so they can hear it back.
  • All are impacted by war, and it could be any Soldier, so watch out for each other during deployment and at home.
  • Insist they see someone, and have names and numbers of resources available, like a chaplain or behavioral health professionals. Explain that you have been taught enough to know when to be worried, but not enough to treat them. Remind them they would do the same for you, as a good battle buddy.
  • Look for ways to help, whether it is offering to go with them, make the phone call for them, drive them, get directions for them. Check back with them often, letting them know you are there to help and that you are not going to let this drop.

OK, it's not that great a mnemonic—but ya gotta love the term "battlemind", eh?

^z - 2009-09-26