

Robert Charles Wilson's The Chronoliths is a fun, fast-paced science-fiction novel with exceptionally good prose, decent characterization, and a provocative premise involving causality and paradox — definitely a worthwhile read.

Alas for nit-pickers: Chronoliths suffers from a flawed, deeply pre-Copernican worldview. Why should an object sent decades backward in time appear at precisely the same location — relative to a turning, precessing, revolving Earth — as the object was transmitted from? Perhaps a few sentences of pseudo-science could have dismissed or papered over this problem (e.g., "... nonlinear equations lock the body's location into a co-rotating coordinate system centered on the nearest mass greater than 1025 grams...", etc.).

But apparently to the author (and editors, and reviewers, and readers) the Earth is still the static center of the universe. "Eppur si muove!" to quote Mr. Galileo ...

TopicLiterature - 2006-12-09

(correlates: BiosFear, OnCurvature, SmellOfGoodProse, ...)