

Dr. Robert L. Forward died on 21 September 2002, of brain cancer, at the age of 70. Bob was a scholar, a writer, and a gentleman: infinitely gracious to junior colleagues, boldly generous with ideas, stiletto-sharp in serious creativity, yet always quick to cast his jolly-old-elfin light onto any situation.

That last, for me, was the most memorable facet of Bob. For a gravitational physicist he had a unique levitas, an anti-gravity field that surrounded him and lifted the spirits of everyone he met.

Bob Forward, you are no grave man. We miss you ....

(see FastForward (21 Feb 2002) and Robert Forward's own web site at )

TopicProfiles - TopicScience - TopicPersonalHistory - 2002-09-26

(correlates: ArborAvis, NoProblems, RepoMan, ...)