
^z 9th October 2024 at 6:49pm

A new-ish word from comrade B-ff's "Strengthsfinder" list of pop-psych talents is Individuation. The quasi-official definition, recast as "Individualization":

Your Individualization theme leads you to be intrigued by the unique qualities of each person. You are impatient with generalizations or "types" because you don't want to obscure what is special and distinct about each person. Instead, you focus on the differences between individuals.

You instinctively observe each person's style, each person's motivation, how each thinks, and how each builds relationships. You hear the one-of-a-kind stories in each person's life. This theme explains why you pick your friends just the right birthday gift, why you know that one person prefers praise in public and another detests it, and why you tailor your teaching style to accommodate one person's need to be shown and another's desire to "figure it out as I go."

Because you are such a keen observer of other people's strengths, you can draw out the best in each person. This Individualization theme also helps you build productive teams. While some search for the perfect team "structure" or "process," you know instinctively that the secret to great teams is casting by individual strengths so that everyone can do a lot of what they do well.

... sounds sweet, and of course is impossible to argue with. Who could be against empathy, insight, caring?

But contrariwise it might be fun to invert and describe "Individuation" in terms of its negatives — e.g., "you don't rise above the trees to see the forest", or "you pour vast amounts of time into one-off customizations that cannot scale", or "you fail to find evidence-based statistically-sound conclusions that apply across multiple cases". Hmmmm, that way it sounds like less of an astrology reading!

(cf Director of Optimal Performance (2005-05-01), Strengthsfinder (2008-01-24), Hogan Personality Inventory (2010-04-04), Hogan Development Survey (2010-04-18), Hypomania (2012-12-28), ...) - ^z - 2020-02-18