From "The Mister Rogers No One Saw", a comment by Fred Rogers when author Jeanne Marie Laskas thanks him for all he has taught her — and, with archetypal insight, Mister Rogers reflects the light back onto her:
It's so very hard, receiving. When you give something, you're in much greater control. But when you receive something, you're so vulnerable. I think the greatest gift you can ever give is an honest receiving of what a person has to offer. |
(cf 2018-09-10 - Thank You, Mr Rogers, Mr Rogers Asks (2019-11-18), Present in Every Moment (2019-11-25), 143 (2019-11-28), Mantra - Be Tame (2019-12-06), Tikkun Olam (2019-12-11), ...) - ^z - 2019-12-22