

Anthony Trollope, in Chapter 7 of his 1883 An Autobiography, comments on the value of disciplining oneself to do something almost every day:

... Nothing surely is so potent as a law which may not be disobeyed. It has the force of the water drop that hollows the stone. A small daily task, if it be really daily, will beat the labours of a spasmodic Hercules. It is the tortoise which always catches the hare. The hare has no chance. He loses more time in glorifying himself for a quick spurt than suffices for the tortoise to make half his journey.

Regular practice is what really counts. It doesn't matter much what one does — exercising, writing, reading, thinking, ...

(cf. DearDiary (19 Mar 2001), TenThousandHours (20 Sep 2001), ...)

TopicLife - TopicLiterature - 2007-05-01

(correlates: 2007-08-31 - Lap, Dog, 2004-11-10 - WOD Luncheon, Mr. Wizard, ...)