
  • From Susan Gordon, leader — the value of charisma and enthusiasm, properly applied, to inspire and energize.
  • From Douglas Hofstadter, Daniel Dennett, Raymond Smullyan, and Z. A. Melzak, scientists and mathematicians — recursion, metaphorical mental modeling, language, thought, and the union of the concrete with the abstract.
  • From Janet Platt, colleague and comrade — sensitivity, appropriate assertiveness, and the value of forgetfulness at the right time.
  • From Keith Laumer, Robert A. Heinlein, Vernor Vinge, Hal Clement, and other science-fiction writers — imagination and hope for technological progress.

Wednesday, April 28, 1999 at 06:09:48 (EDT) = 1999-04-28

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(correlates: DavidNewsom, AntiQuaintances, ToThePain, ...)