

"You're wearing real shoes!" says colleague Lynn when she sees me in the new Vivobarefoot brand minimalist running slippers early this week. Racing friend Dr Betty Smith recommends Vivobarefoots, according to comrade Stephanie Fonda who also orders a pair, I choose the office-safe "Oak" model, since it looks more like a normal shoe than my old Brooks-brand "Addiction" walking clogs. On my feet, the new shoes really do have the feel of thin slippers, though they look like normal work shoes. They resemble the Nike "Free" ones that I got in 2008 or the experimental AEI Shoes from 2005. No arch support, no heel drop, almost no cushioning. I haven't tried running more than few steps in them thus far. But now at meetings I feel like a ninja who can step on a dime and call it heads-or-tails!

^z - 2013-02-21