

Silly Riddle: why is "31 Oct = 25 Dec"?

Answer: when working in different number systems, "Oct" means octal, base-8, and thus "31 Oct" is 3 in the eight's place plus 1 = 3*8+1 = 25 — and "Dec" means decimal, usual base-10 arithmetic, so of course "25 Dec" is 2 in the ten's place plus 5 = 2*10+5 = 25. So 31 Oct = 25 Dec, eh? (Maybe you have to be a programmer to smile at that one....)

Sunday, January 02, 2000 at 07:34:30 (EST) = 2000-01-02


(correlates: ReadLikely, TwoButNotThree, WikiGonzalez, ...)