

Quotes-out-of-context from various round-tables and other gatherings last month:

  • "My way or the highway!"(HB)
  • "Marcus Aurelius says not to worry about things you can't do anything about — but do something about the rest." (BD)
  • "The dinosaurs didn't change their spots — they got replaced by mammals." (BW)
  • "Internet enterprises nowadays are like a bunch of ball bearings dumped on a table where's there's a tiny hole for a target. Most of the balls will roll off the table, but a few may make it into the goal. It's just like the canals and the railroads and the early days of radio." (BD, ^z, ...)
  • "Aurelius used Stoicism to rise above; Epictetus taught submission." (BD) ... "like Hinduism (ahimsa?) or Islam?" (GdM, ^z, ...)
  • "It's best to have lots of little groups, 'skunk works' — like sending out pirate ships into the unknown. Most of them fail, but when one comes back with treasure you can send more out in that direction. This is much better than what we usually do: everybody chasing after the same soccer ball." (BD, ^z, ...)
  • "Stoicism seems to exhibit a tension between values and not caring. Is there fanaticism lurking here? If everyone practiced Stoicism consistently, would society collapse?" (JB, BD, ...)
  • "Much as it pains me to say it, meteorologists aren't always right." (CS) — "That's hard to believe!" (JL)
  • "Leadership is the quality of an interaction." (BH)
  • "Weimar Russia? Maybe they'll have some great night clubs!" (GdM)
  • "The 'forgetting time' on the Internet is much shorter than in the Real World." (BD)
  • "Maybe patrons, rich guys who pay for the creative arts, actually have the most control in the long run over what is done and what will be remembered?" (BD, GdM, ^z, ...)
  • "I am about to commit a rudeness." (BH)

Friday, November 03, 2000 at 05:46:26 (EST) = 2000-11-03

TopicPhilosophy - TopicThinking - TopicStoicism - TopicSociety

(correlates: BureaucraQuotes, ObserveOrientDecideAct, SoTheySaid, ...)