

Scrabble, like poetry, can produce moments of high delight when an unexpected connection suddenly appears. Last week in a game with Son RadRob the following configuration arose on the lower side of the board:

TOAST   ...

I can't recall the vertical crossing words (shown above as "...") but I definitely remember the instant when I saw that I could link the two horizontal words "TOAST" and "VARIES" with a simple tangential play:


Sure, it didn't score many points, and I ended up losing the game — but that silly juxtaposition made it all worthwhile!

(cf. ArsMagna (27 Sep 2002), ZenScrabble (7 Oct 2002), ...)

TopicRecreation - TopicPersonalHistory - TopicPoetry - 2007-02-02

(correlates: ArpaNetwork, FreeAssociation, PsillyPslogans, ...)