

Looking back over the past nine months of ^zhurnalling reveals
some eighteen occasional ^z attempts at verse (see links below). Why would an (ex)physicist write a poem? Perhaps because among other things poetry offers:

  • data compression — packing more meaning into fewer bits
  • stochasticity — escaping from determinism via apparent randomness
  • pattern discovery — revealing new relationships among sound,
    rhyme, rhythm, and concept
    ... or maybe it's just fun to try, and fail, in new ways.

The individual works exhibit a variety of styles and themes; an
asterisk in the listing indicates an exceptionally short piece (often
humorous), and a plus is a longer one.
(I tend to like the more recent efforts better, but I'm biased.)
In chronological order, they are:

Or see them all in "", volume 0.01 of ^z's collected poems. Happy Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, February 14, 2001 at 07:42:19 (EST) = 2001-02-14


(correlates: BlindFaith, WikiIsIt, OnIrreducibility, ...)