

(Current Events: Yoyo mode has recently been the status descriptor for our electrical supply. After three and a half days of no juice Che^z was back on the grid for much of yesterday starting ~3am. We regained our freedom from the mains when a cold front came through in the evening, bringing thunderstorms, heavy rains, and the abrupt loss of power again at ~9pm. After getting 120v AC back for part of the night and losing it again this morning, we seem to have seen the last of the storms ... the electromotive forces are apparently back to their normal state in our neighborhood.)

Three delightful words have yanked at my ear recently:

  • haver — to talk foolishly, to babble ... derived from the Scottish ... heard in The Proclaimer's catchy "I'm Gonna Be" (aka "500 Miles"), a rhythmic song that's fun to chant while jogging
  • thrustful — overly aggressive, perhaps hinting of excess testosterone ... reminiscent of Malvolio's "Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon 'em." in Twelfth Night (Act II, scene v)
  • hurrisome — the state or condition of being in a hurry and feeling pressured to act too quickly ... a ^z concoction, by analogy with worrisome

TopicLanguage - TopicHumor - TopicPersonalHistory - 2003-09-23

(correlates: PregnantSails, GibbonChapter13, WorseIsBetter, ...)